Conquering the nuisance of tangled Christmas lights
Picture yourself as a young child. It’s late November and you’re sitting in the garage with your dad while he unpacks the Christmas lights for this season because it saves the cost of light installation. You hear grunts and scoffs as he gets caught up in bunches of tangled strands of lights.
Tangled Christmas lights are an age-old obstacle people face when decorating their homes for Christmas. You’re likely no stranger to it either. We’re here to teach you how to get out of a tangled situation and prevent it from happening ever again!
How to untangle Christmas lights like a pro
So, you’ve found yourself in a tangled situation. You’re not alone. It’s more common than not for people to find that their Christmas lights are tangled after 11 months of sitting in a box. The good news is there are several easy ways to untangle your lights so you can get decorating.
1. Use tools
Stubborn knots are no match for the right tool. Just wedge a pen, pencil, or screwdriver into the entanglement. This will help to loosen any knots and show you a way out. From there, you can pull the lights apart with your hands. For a full list of tools needed to hang Christmas lights like a Pro read our full article here.
2. Start at the plug
Sometimes Christmas lights are so tangled it’s hard to tell where to start. It’s easiest to first locate the end of the light string – the plug. Work your way out of the mess from there. Start weaving the plug in and out of knots. Eventually, you’ll find yourself with an untangled strand of lights.
3. Keep organized
Avoid causing more work for yourself when untangling lights. There’s nothing worse than putting time and effort into untangling and then looking back only to find you’ve created a whole new entanglement. Work strategically, and keep your light strands organized as you untangle them. Lay them out in neat straight lines or wrap them around your arm to make sure you don’t tangle them further.
4. Ask for help
Sometimes untangling Christmas lights is more than a one-person job. It can help to have someone else keep the lights organized as you untangle them. Some knots may need multiple hands to set them free. Don’t be afraid to ask a family member or neighbor to lend a hand. If you want to skip the hassle altogether, call Blitzen Lighting. We are professional light installers in Florida. We’ll take care of all your holiday lighting needs, including handling those pesky tangled lights.
5. Test your lights
Once you’ve gotten your strands neatly untangled, make sure you test them out before hanging them. Simply plug them into an outlet to make sure all the bulbs light up bright. Finally, you’re ready to start adorning your home with holiday cheer.
How to prevent tangled Christmas lights
The next best thing you can do is prevent your lights from ever getting tangled again. There are several ways to store Christmas lights that will help you avoid another tangled mess when next Christmas rolls around. If you follow some of these methods, you can say “goodbye” to tangled Christmas lights for good.
1. Use cardboard
Make yourself a DIY spool with a simple piece of cardboard. All you need is a flat rectangular piece of cardboard. Ideally, it should be at least one foot long. Cut one notch at each end. Then, start to wrap your lights around the cardboard. Cut one extra notch at the end to secure the end of the string or just tuck it securely under the other strands. It’s a convenient tangle-free way to store your Christmas lights. Extension cord wraps are also a great option, these provide a more permanent solution to cardboard.
2. Try the figure-8 wrap
Another tried and true method for preventing tangles is the figure-8 wrap. For this method, you’ll need a chair or stool with 4 legs. Flip it upside down and start wrapping the lights around the legs in a figure-8 motion. The light strand should cross itself in the center. When there’s about a foot of light strands left, start to wrap it around the middle and tie a knot. Slip the strands off the chair. Finally, you’re ready to store your lights without worrying about them getting tangled.
3. Grab an old hose reel
One of the most efficient and compact ways to store Christmas lights is to use a cord reel or an old hose reel. These things are meant for neatly storing long cables. All you have to do is secure one end and start wrapping. If you don’t have one on hand, you can purchase a cord reel at your local home improvement store.
4. Twist and tie
When it comes to keeping Christmas lights untangled – and hanging them for that matter – twist ties are your best friend. Whatever wrapping or folding method you choose, twist ties will help keep it in place. That way, you can be sure that you will pull the lights out in the same condition you left them – untangled.
5. Stay organized
When storing Christmas lights, it’s important to stay organized. Don’t throw the lights carelessly in a box. It’s best to remove all lights from their original packaging, wrap them up neatly using one of the methods we’ve discussed, and store them together in coordinated boxes. When you keep your lights organized, you minimize digging through boxes and causing a tangled mess. For bonus points, label your boxes with tape and sharpie. Your future self will thank you.
6. Keep the tree wrapped
If you use Christmas string lights to decorate a fake Christmas tree, consider keeping the tree wrapped. You can neatly pack up your tree without de-stringing it. This will save you the time and hassle of rewrapping the tree next year. It’s also a great way to keep the lights untangled. You may have to adjust the placement a bit once you set the tree back up, but it will be much less work than if you were to put the lights back on from scratch.
The bottom line
No one likes spending their time untangling Christmas lights. Decorating your home should be a fun and cheerful experience. Use some of these tips and tricks to get out of tangled situations. To avoid them altogether, call Blitzen Lighting for your custom Christmas light installation needs.