LED Christmas Lights vs. Incandescent Christmas Lights

How to tell if Christmas lights are LED

LED Christmas lights are becoming more and more popular among consumers. Many people are acutely aware of the many benefits and luxuries that the LED Christmas lights offer, but the old incandescent Christmas lights are just not going away. Many people are still holding onto their old lights and refuse to switch to LEDs for fear of making the wrong choice. This article looks at the pros and cons of LED Christmas lights and incandescent Christmas lights and shows you how to tell if Christmas lights are LED or incandescent.

You may have noticed that in the past few years, LED Christmas lights have become increasingly popular among consumers. There are many reasons as to why these lights have become so popular, but one of the biggest reasons is the fact that these lights offer many benefits and luxuries that the old incandescent Christmas lights cannot provide.

Facts you need to know about LED Christmas Lights vs. Incandescent Christmas Lights

Although the main goal for both types of lights is to produce illumination, knowing how to tell if Christmas lights are LED is important. LED lights come with several benefits that make things better in terms of usage and experience. So, here is all you need to know to tell if Christmas lights are LED.

LED lights last longer and are more durable

The first thing that you can use to tell whether the lights are LED or not is that the LED lights last longer in comparison. LED lights are notably more durable in weather, are more wear resistance, and stand up better in harsh environments. For example, LED lights can easily withstand the rain, wind, and the suns UV rays that they would endure during multiple Florida Christmas seasons.

Incandescent lights cannot tolerate a lot of harsh weather, and they go bad very easily. Do you remember the hassle of one light going out on your tree and never finding the one causing it? We do not miss those days! In terms of longevity, incandescent bulbs “pop” or burn out very easily, while LED lights are rated to last more than 50,000 hours on average. In comparison, incandescent lights only last an average of 1,000 hours.

Energy efficiency is a huge pro for LED lights

It is a factor that is good for your wallet and the planet. Being energy efficient means being better for the planet because such a product wastes a lot less energy and resources. The incandescent lights are not very good in terms of energy efficiency. They use a lot of power to produce LESS light.

On the other hand, LED lights are famous for their energy efficiency. If we compare the energy consumption of these, the consumption of LED will be a small part of the whole equation, meaning way fewer power bills. The government website Energy.gov notes that “LEDs — especially ENERGY STAR rated products — use at least 75% less energy, and last up to 25 times longer, than incandescent lighting.” Read more HERE.

LED lights require less maintenance and care

LED lights do not ask for a lot of maintenance and care. These are made so that you can leave them installed in their place for 5, 6, or even 10 years or more in some use cases, and they will work just as bright and efficient in their last year as they did their first year.

The incandescent lights easily go bad, and they need a lot of bulb replacement and repair after some time. So, if you are looking for ways to tell if Christmas lights are LED, this can be an easy way to distinguish the two types.

The form factor of LED lights makes them amazing for almost anywhere

Another way to tell if Christmas lights are LED is the form factor. The incandescent lights are very bulky in comparison to LED lights. It is because there is an element present in a glass enclosure, and then there is gas inside it.

On the other hand, an LED takes up a fraction of the space, and many diodes are present on a single strip that also has wires inside of it. So, the form factor of an LED light is usually very compact or much brighter if they are of similar size.

LED lights offer many color options

This is one of the best things about LED lights in comparison with incandescent lights. So, if you want to know how to tell if Christmas lights are LED or not, you can check for the color options. If one light offers only one color, then it is most probably incandescent.

Otherwise, the LED lights come with remotes and apps that you can use to customize colors. However, this is not true for all LED lights because some even come with only one-color option as this can provide significant cost savings. Color Changing LED lights can create 16 million variations in color. To learn more about how LED lights change color see this article by ledlightinginfo.com

There is no need to worry about heat or sparks with LED lights

LED lights do not produce as much heat while producing the same amount of illumination. On the other hand, there is a burning element inside the incandescent light which produces a lot of heat. This is also the reason many homeowners can experience sparks and melting wall sockets with their Christmas light installation. See our recent article on How to Safely Install Christmas Lights in Order to Sparkle, Not Burn Your House Down to learn more!

The light quality of LED lights is way better than the Incandescent lights

The last thing that you must know about these Christmas decoration lights is the quality of light. The incandescent lights are usually dim, and they do not spread light far. On the other hand, LED lights are brighter and spread light far away. All of this while maintaining less power consumption!

What to select?

You’re hoping to grab some Christmas lights soon but still aren’t sure which bulbs to get or not sure how to tell if Christmas lights are LED? In general, these days, LED lights are the better choice for all-around Christmas lights. LED lights typically have a higher initial cost when purchasing them compared to traditional bulbs. However, that cost IS offset over time with lower energy bills and the fact that they do not have to be replaced as often, makes them a good investment.

Here at Blitzen Lighting we only use the most reputable LED bulbs on the market for every install. This saves our customers money on their energy costs and ensures we can re-install your lights year after year! Many times, competitors will use noncommercial incandescent bulbs to try and save themselves money or be able to give a “Low Bid”. When it comes to lights (much like anything) a customer will get what they pay for. For our clients, we use the best because we ARE the best! Get a Quote Today by completing the form below.